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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第2章 朋友与怪兽

第2章 朋友与怪兽



Aenēās Elissam fābulā invābat: “Ab Harpyiārum īnsulā ad Hadriam nāvigārimus, unde ad Eprīrī nōminātī erant! Iuvābāmur quod grāta fāma erat vēra; mox Andromache nostrōs ad rēgiam benīgnē vocāvit, ubi Anchīsae Ascaniōque dōna multa et magna dedit. Helenus Andromache vir erat fātidicus nōtus, itaque animōs nostrōs vērīs verbīs cōnfīrmābat atque grātum cōnsilium dē viae perīculīs dedit: ‘Ad Hesperiam nāvigātōtē circum Siciliam, iam inter Italiam Siciliamque sunt dīra mōnstra. Hinc mōnstrum nautās ex nāvigō occupat; hinc ut atque ā secundō mōnstrō vorantur nāvigia pessum dantur. Fretum ergōēvītātōte et nāvigātōte circum Siciliam. Evitātor et Siciliam mōnstrum Polyphēmus; multōs enim virōs Graecōs iam dēvorāvit.’”

“Sīc nāvigābamus ergō ut cōnsilium ab Helenō datum erat. Sed ut prope Siciliam nāvigābāmus ā miserō nauta ad ōram vocātī sumus: ‘Servāte, Trōiāni, miserum Graecum! Cum dominō ad Siciliam nāvigāvī, sed in nostrā fugā ubi Polyphēmus multōs sociōs dēvorāverat et a nostrīs caecātus est ab amīcīs erravī; itaque cum dominō ab īnsulā nōn nāvigāvī.’ Ut miser clāmābat Polyphēmus ad ōram ambulāvit, mōnstrum dīrum foedum magnum caectum. Statim nāvigāvimus ab īnsulā; Graecum servāvimus et navigiīs nostris portabamus.”

“Post Anchīsēs, heu animam espirāvit; sepulchrum in Siciliā est. Tum ad tuum, rēgīna, rēgnum in Africam magnā procellā portātī sumus.”


Aeneas was pleasing Elissa with a story: “We sailed to Hydra from the island of the Harpies, thus they were called to Epirus! We were pleased that the good news was true; soon Andromache called us kindly to the kingdom, where he gave many great gifts to Anchises and Ascanius. Helenus Andromache was a man known to be prophetic, so he confirmed our minds with true words and gave us good advice about the dangers of the road: \'Sail round Sicily to Hesperia, now between Italy and Sicily there are wild monsters. Hence the monster seizes the sailors from the ships; then they are consumed by a second monster, the ships are destroyed. Therefore avoid the strait and sail around Sicily. Polyphemus must be avoid; for he has already devoured many Greek men.\'”

“Thus we sailed, according to the advice given by Helen. But as we sailed near Sicily, we were called to the voice of a miserable sailor: \'Save, Trojans, the poor Greek! We sailed with our master to Sicily, but in our flight, Polyphemus had devoured many of our companions and was blinded by our friends; and therefore I did not sail away from the island with master.\' As the poor man cried out, Polyphemus walked to the shore, a great blind monster. We immediately sailed from the island; We saved the Greeks and carried them on our ships.”

“Then Anchises, alas, he breathed his last; the tomb is in Sicily. Then we are brought to your kingdom in Africa by a great storm.”



“就这样,我们按照赫勒诺斯的建议启航了。但当我们航行到西西里岛附近时,我们听到一个水手悲催的声音:‘救救可怜的希腊人!我们和我们的主人一起航行到西西里岛,但在我们逃跑的过程中,波吕斐摩斯吃掉了许多同伴,然后他被我们的朋友弄瞎了眼睛。所以此我没有和主人一起离开这个岛。’ 当这个可怜的人大声喊叫时,波吕斐摩斯走到了岸边,他是一个盲目的大怪物。我们立即从岛上起航;我们救了希腊人,并用我们的船载着他们。”







