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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第10章 与死者相遇

第10章 与死者相遇



Inter fēminārum in fēlīcium umbrās in Campīs Luctuōsīs Dīdo errābat silvā in magnā. Forma rēgīnae nōn clāra erat, sed vidēbātur ut lūna nova per nūbīs vidētur. Pius Aenēās dēmīsit lacrimās dulcīque amōre Elissam appellābat: “Infēlīx Dīdō, vērsus nūntius ergō vēnerat? Fūneris heu causa fuī? Per sīdera iūrō, per superōs et nūmina īmā sub terrā, invītus, rēgīna, tuō dē lītore cessī.” Plūs verbī incipiēbat, sed Dīdō verba non audiēbat, nec mōvēbātur. Dēnique discessit atque inimīca refūgit in nemus umbriferum, cōniunx ubi pristinus rēgīnae respondet cūrīs aequatque Sychaeus amōrem.

Dēnique Sibylla Aenēam in locum dūxit quō bellō clārī post mortem cēdunt. Hīc et amīcōs et hostīs invēnit, sed morte misēre mūtātī erant. Graecōrum animae ut virum Trōiānum aspexērunt magnō cum timōre fūgērunt, Trōiānōrum autem ad Aenēam convēnērunt et multa et dē bellō et dē fugā perīculōrum rogābant. Ut verba Aenēae audiēbant, Dēiphoba “Cūr stās?” clāmāvit, “Hic locus est ubi via finditur; pars malōrum exercet poenās et ad impia Tartara mittit.”

Itaque Aenēās, ubi loca sacra in īmō Erebō quō discēdunt malī et ubi in aeternum continentur aspexerat, cum duce Sibyllā ad campōs Elysiōs pervēnit, ubi inter bonōrum animās cārī patris Archīsae umbram dēnique repperit. Fīliō multās animās dēmōnstrāvit vitae in terrā ante mortem nōn memorīs, Lēthaeā enim aquā mūtātī sunt et nihil memoriā tenēbant. Ubi Aenēās animārum nōmina rogāvit, pater “Nunc umbrae sine nōmine sunt,” respondit, “sed ōlim prōlēs tuī erunt, ducēs tuae gentis.” Et fāta Populī Rōmānī fīliō aperuit.”


Between the ghosts of the unfortunate women in the Fields of Mourning, Dido was wandering in the big forest. The form of the queen was not clear, but she was seen, as the new moon was calling Elissa with sweet love: “Unfortunate Dido, therefore had the true message come? Alas, I was the cause of teh funeral? I swear bu the stars, bu the gods above and below the lowest Earth, unwilling, queen, I left your shore.” He was beginning more words, but Dido did not hear the words nor was she being moved. Finally she departed and the unfriendly one fleed into the shady groove, where the former husband of the queen responds to her concerns and Sychaeus calms her love.

Finally the Sibylla led Aeneas into a place where people who were famous by war go after death. Here he found friends and enemies, but they were changed horribly by death. Souls of the greeks fled with great horror as they saw the Trojan man, however the souls of the Trojans gathered near Aeneas and were asking many things, both about the war and the escape of danger. As they were hearing the words of Aeneas, Deiphobe shouted, “Why are you standing? This place is where the road is split; part stretched to the wall of the great underworld, our path to the Elysian Fields; those who had bad punishments were set to the wretched Tartarus.”

So Aeneas when he saw the sacred location in the lowest place in Erebus, where the evils are contained for eternal, with the guide Sybil arrived at the Elysian Fields, where he finally found the ghost of his dear father, Anchises, among the good souls. He showed his son many spirits who are not mindful of life on Earth before death, for they were changed by the Lethean water and they were holding nothing in memory. When Aeneas asked the names of the souls, the father responded, “Now the shadows are without names, but at sometime they will be your offsprings.” And he revealed the fate of the Roman people to his son.


在哀悼田里那些不幸的女鬼之间, 狄多徘徊在大森林里。女王的身形并不清楚,但她是可以被看见的,新月用甜蜜的爱呼唤艾丽莎:“不幸的狄多,真的消息被送到了吗?唉,葬礼的起因是我吗?我向星星发誓,向众神发誓,女王,我并不是自愿离开你的海岸。” 他正要说更多的话,但狄多没有听到这些话,也没有被感动。最后她离开了,那个不友好的人逃进了阴暗的树林里,女王的前夫回应了她的担忧,阿契厄斯安抚了她的爱情。


因此,当埃涅阿斯看到厄瑞玻斯最低处的神圣地点,在那里邪恶被永远遏制时,在先知向导的带领下到达了极乐世界,在那里他终于在善良的灵魂中找到了他亲爱的父亲安喀塞斯的鬼魂。他向他的儿子展示了许多在死前并不关心地球上生活的灵魂,他们被忘川之水改变了,没有任何记忆。当埃涅阿斯询问灵魂的名字时,父亲回答说:“现在阴影没有名字,但有一天它们将是你的后代。” 他向他的儿子揭示了罗马人民的命运。



厄瑞玻斯(Erebus)“ 希腊神话中的神,代表着冥土的黑暗”,掌管着冥界一个黑暗的部分


