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第27章 An Icy Welcome


Have you ever wanted to take a vacation that was totally unique? If you enjoy a good adventure (and you don’t hate the cold), a stay at ICEHOTEL may be just the thing. ICEHOTEL is located in a northern Swedish village called Jukkasjarvi. The village sits about 120 miles north of the Arctic Circle and boasts a population of nearly as many dogs as humans. ICEHOTEL is constructed of snow and ice, as well as a combination of the two that the builders call “snice.” Since is used to strengthen the structure—it holds the blocks of ice together more securely than just snow would.

The nearby Torne River is the source of the ice used in the construction of the hotel. Unlike most European rivers, it is not used for industrial purposes, which contributes to its purity. Early each Spring, about 5,000 tons of ice are harvested from the river. It is stored through the summer and fall, and construction begins on the hotel every November. It takes about eight weeks to construct the hotel, which is then open for business between December and mid-April.

One of the magical things about ICEHOTEL is that it is never the same place two years in a row. Construction begins from scratch every winter, and every year, a new hotel is born. It will exist in its current form for only a few months. Then, the sunshine ans warming weather begin to melt its walls and roofs, and the water slowly returns to the Torne River.

One of the most interesting things about ICEHOTEL is that it is not only a hotel; it is also a unique work of art. Each year, hundreds of artists apply to be the designers of the next year’s hotel, and forty artists are chosen. The artists come from a variety of backgrounds. Some specialize in sculpture. Others may have backgrounds in theater, architecture, or even photography. Some of the artists have experience working with ice and snow, but for others, it is a new and inspiring material. Along with about 60 other people who have various roles, they are responsible for creating an 18,000-foot-square space that is beautiful, unique, safe, and artistic.

If you are like most people, you’re probably wondering about how cold the rooms actually are. There’s no doubt that you’ll want to bring appropriate clothing. In fact, one section on ICEHOTEL’s website is devoted to telling visitors how to dress. No matter what the temperatures are outside (and it can get really cold), the temperatures inside won’t drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit (约等于-7摄氏度). This is still cold enough to be potentially dangerous, but as long as you follow the guidelines, you’ll be snug (adj. 舒适的,温暖的) and warm.

The staff at ICEHOTEL recommends that guests sleep in thermal underwear and a hat that they can use to cover their ears. Sleeping bags are provided, and although the beds are made from blocks of ice, they do have coverings of think mattresses and reindeer skins. While some of the more adventurous guests spend their entire stay in the cold rooms, others spend only a night or two there and then spend the remainder of their stay in “warm accommodations (n. 住宿).”

Because the hotel is a work of art, as well as a place for tourists to stay, the rooms are open to the public during the day. Guests move their belonging into a warm building, and the rooms are on display for visitors as works of ice sculpture. There are plenty of activities to do during the day, including snowmobile tours of the area and dog sledding. Cross country skiing and snowshoeing are other options. And, if you’re lucky, you may even get to see the northern lights.

There’s no doubt that a stay at ICEHOTEL isn’t for everyone. But for people who love adventure, challenges, and trying new things, ICEHOTEL offers an experience that is hard to find anywhere else.


1. A guest at ICEHOTEL would likely to be… (多选题)

a. adventurous

b. irritable

c. conceited

d. curious

e. sentimental

f. reckless

g. hardy

h. delicate

2. Why is ICEHOTEL considered both a hotel and a work of art?

3. Where does the ice used to build the hotel come from?

4. Compare and contract ICEHOTEL to an average hotel.

5. How is ICEHOTEL cyclical in nature, the way the seasons are?
