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笔趣阁 > 中学英语读物 > 第35章 Finding a Way to Comic Con

第35章 Finding a Way to Comic Con


Malik signed as he counted the last pieces of change that he had found hiding in his winter jacket. When Malik’s dad had offered to let him go to Comic Con (n. 漫展)this year in San Diego. Malik could hardly believe his good luck. He had been pleading to go to the massive comic book convention for the past three years. The deal was that Mr. Goode would go with Malik if Malik could pay for his own airfare (n. 机票). Malik had some money saved from his previous birthday and from walking the dog that used to live across the street, but he had a bad habit of spending his weekly allowance before it ever got anywhere near his saving jar.

Malik threw himself onto his bed, feeling half defeated and half determined to figure out a way to get to the convention. A moment later, his bedroom floor opened, and Shaun walked in, his nose buried in a book. Malik could never figure out how his little brother managed to walk that way without seriously injuring himself.

“Are you still moping about Comic Con?” Asked Shaun.

Malik just nodded knowing that his brother didn’t understand his obsession with going to Comic Con. Shaun was enthusiastic about anything related to space and space travel. As far as Malik knew, his brother had never even opened a comic book.

Malik, on the other hand, had been a serious fan of graphic novels (n. 漫画) ever since he was in second grade. He had difficulty learning to read fluently and had become discouraged by school and homework. Malik’s mom had introduced him to graphic novels one day at the library, hoping they would capture his attention. Mrs. Goode had been exactly right, and Malik’s love for all things animated had begun.

Six years later, reading was no longer an insecure for Malik, but his interest in graphic novels had never waned. He wrote his own now and illustrated them in his spare time. He had aspirations of attending art school and someday having his own series of comics. He wanted to go to Comic Con to see the latest artwork by the illustrators he admired. Malik visited the convention’s website often and knew that more than 130,000 visitors were expected this year. There would be film screenings, games, hands-on workshops, and a costume competition. He could probably get autographs for all give for his favorite graphic novels. Malik groaned at the mere thought of all he’d be missing and rolled over on his bed.

“How much money are you short?” Asked Shaun.

“One hundred and thirty-fivedollars,” said Malik. “Dad said he’d pay for our hotel and food but I need to come up with the money for the plane ticket.”

“How many weeks are left before the convention?” Asked Shaun, opening up the laptop that he and Malik shared.

“Nine,” answered Malik without hesitation. The dates had been marked on his calendar ever since they were first announced.

“This is totally doable (adj. 可行的),” responded Shaun enthusiastically. He made a quick spreadsheet and turned the screen so his brother could see it. “You just need to save your entire allowance. And if you do my chores for me for the next two months,” added Shaun, “I’ll give you half my allowance. As long as Dad will buy your ticket and let you reimburse (v. 偿还) him, you’re good to go.”

Malik shook his head in disbelief. “This is so simple,” he admitted. “I feel a little sheepish that I didn’t come up with this in the first place, Shaun. I owe you one. Let me know if there’s an autograph or something I can bring back for you.”

Shaun shook his head. “No autographs, thanks,” he responded, “but I’m pretty sure there’s space center in San Diego that has some pretty cool souvenirs…”


1. How are Shaun and Malik different from each other?

2. How would you characterize Malik and Shaun’s relationship?

3. Do you think the deal that Mr. Goode proposes to Malik is fair?

4. Who is the protagonist in this story? (选择题)

a. Shaun

b. Malik

c. the narrator

5. How does Shaun help Malik solve his problem?
