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笔趣阁 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第75章 Chapter 75: A Priceless Smil

第75章 Chapter 75: A Priceless Smil


She didn't answer. Yes, Glass wasn't stupid. In fact, she had a bit of cleverness. Xu Qianqian, on the other hand, was not an ordinary person and had a state of mind that others did not possess.


She thought of herself as someone who was scheming and had hidden her thoughts very well. However, he could see through her thoughts and read her mind, even though they had only known each other for a short time.


“What's wrong with your face?”


"I was scalded by boiling water, and the doctor said it would leave a scar forever. I..." Tears of sadness flowed out. I'm not an actress, but I am a master of deception. I am good at making the fake look real.


"Don't worry, I'll find a solution."


"Now I have nothing, not even the looks I could once be proud of. Just go."


"No matter what you become, I, Yu YuJun, will only marry you in this lifetime. Otherwise, I will marry no one."


"You!" I stood up angrily.


My appearance has been ruined, and I still can't drive him away.


"Fine, if you can convince your parents to accept me and marry me into the Yu family with a grand procession and the honor of a legitimate wife, then I'll marry you. "


"Is it true?"


"Absolutely true"


"Great!" He laughed and smiled so cheerfully.


"But we shall never meet each other again before we have your parents' approval, before they accept me."


He stopped smiling, his eyes filled with disbelief before turning to a serious expression.


"Alright, I will definitely find a way to marry you."


Finally, I got rid of this annoying pest. I had spent too much time with him.


Through all the ups and downs, we found true affection and love for each other.


But it's impossible for me and him to be together. since there is no result, so why even start?


I am a heartless person, capable of abandoning my own parents, siblings, and everything else. What else can't I make it for?


Yu Yujun, if it weren't for the fact that your background and power are too overwhelming for me to confront, I would have definitely swindled you into bankruptcy, leaving you homeless and unable to even afford a meal. I silently warn and persuade myself.

