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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第6章 意大利

第6章 意大利



Elissa ingentum rogam vocāverunt fūngus magicum amōris vel dīs īnferīs sacrum mūnus; sed erat mors in tristī rēgīnae animō. Itaque Dīdō ante ā ram Iūnōnis steterat et “In extrēmā vītā, Iūnō,” clamābat, “in mediā morte tuum nūmen vocō: dēhinc nihil amīcitiae estō inter Poenōs et Trōiānos, impium populum; semper hostēs suntō gentēs nostrae, semper pugnantō nepōtēs et prōlēs.” Tum rēgīna in summō rogō cum Aenēa vestibus et gladiō reliquīsque tēlīs stetit; tum virtūtem audācem dēmōnstrāvit; Aenēae gladium occupāvit et suum pectus vulnerāvit et animam exspīrāvit.

Interim in mediō marī Aenēās cum Trōiānīs ad Siciliam celeriter nāvigābat. Spectābat lītus Africae ubi flammae, ut ignis ācer rogum in arce occupāvit, ad caelum volābant. Timor dolorque Trōiāni pectus miserē occupāvit.

Tum ad Siciliam in rēgnum amīcī Acestae, ubi Anchīsēs animam exspīrāverat, Trōiānī nāvigāverat. Acestēs fīlius erat Segestae Trōiānī fēminae (ad Siciliam ante nāvigāverat Segesta, fugā perīculorum bellī Trōiānī) et Crīmīsī, nūminis amnis Siciliānī. Ibi, ut Trōiānī fūneris mūnera animae patris Anchīsae debant, pars fēminārum “Statis terrārum spectāvimus,” pūtāvit, “mariumque statis; urbs nostra hīc aedificātor!” Tum ignem in nāvīs portāvērunt, unde nāvēs flammīs occupātae sunt. At Iuppiter, ubi ab Aeneā vocātus erat, imbrem magnum de caelō dedit, itaque pars nāvium servāta est.

Rūrsus in marī Trōiānī nāvigābant; dē fēminīs paucae cum virīs nāvigāverant, multae autem in Acestae rēgnō steterant. Dēnique Aenēās ad oppidum Cūmās in Italiam nāvigāvit.


Elissa had called a great pyre, a magical funeral of love or a sacred offering to the gods below; but there was death in the sad heart of the queen. Therefore Dido had stood before the altar of Juno and she was shouting, “At the end of life, Juno, in the middle of death, I call your divine spirit: hence let there be no friendship between the Phoenicians and the Trojans, the godless people; let our nations always be enemies, let our grandchildren and their offsprings always fight.” The queen stood on top of the pyre with the clothing, sword, and the remaining weapons of Aeneas; then she showed bold courage; she seized the sword of Aeneas and wounded her chest and breathed out her soul.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the sea, Aeneas was sailing swiftly with the Trojans to Sicily. He kept watching the shore of Africa, where the flammes flew to heaven, as the fierce fire seized the pyre in the citadel. Fear and grief wretchedly seized the heart of the Trojan.

Then the Trojans sailed to Sicily, in the kingdom of a friend, Acestes, where Anchises breathed out his soul. Acestes was the son of Segesta, a Trojan woman, (Segesta had previously sailed to Sicily, escaping from the dangers of the Trojan war) and Crimisus, god of a Sicilian river. There the Trojans had been given the rights of a funeral for the soul of father Anchises, some women thought, “We watched enough land and enough sea; our city will be built here.” Then they carried fire onto the ships, from which the ships had been seized by the flammes. But Jupiter, when he had been called by Aeneas, gave a big storm from the sky, therefore some ships were saved.

Again the Trojans were sailing on the sea; about a few women had sailed with the men; many had stayed in the kingdom of Acestes. Finally, Aeneas sailed to the town Cumae in Italy.


艾丽莎召唤了一个巨大的柴堆,一场神奇的爱情葬礼,或者是一个献给下面众神的神圣祭品,但王后悲伤的心中却已是死亡。因此,狄多站在朱诺的祭坛前,大声喊道:“在生命的尽头,朱诺,在死亡的中间,我召唤你的神圣灵魂:腓尼基人和特洛伊人之间不会有友谊,这些不信神的人们; 让我们的国家永远为敌,让我们的子孙后代永远为此战斗。” 王后带着埃涅阿斯的衣服,剑和剩余的武器站在柴堆上。然后她表现出了大胆的勇气;她抓住了埃涅阿斯的剑,刺伤了自己的胸口,吐出了她的灵魂。


然后特洛伊人航行到西西里岛,在朋友阿刻斯特斯的王国里,安喀塞斯在那里吐出了他的灵魂。阿刻斯特斯是特洛伊妇女塞吉斯塔(塞吉斯塔此前为了躲避特洛伊战争的危险而航行到西西里岛)和西西里河神,克里米苏斯的儿子。在那里,特洛伊人被赋予了为安喀塞斯父亲的灵魂举行葬礼的权利,一些妇女认为,“我们看到了足够的土地和足够的海洋; 我们的城市将建在这里。”然后她们把船只点燃,船只被火焰夺走。但朱庇特在埃涅阿斯的召唤下,从天上降下了一场大风暴,因此一些船只得救了。



1. 狄多这个献祭我这能说很难评价,每次读到这都觉得好像不至于,为了一个男人真的不值得。当然这种献祭可能对罗马人来说是那种非常神圣的,而且可能作者想通过献祭的方式来让她的诅咒成真,表现出这种诅咒的恶毒。

2. 第二点就是那群人防火烧船。我读出来就像是她们觉得那里好,应该住那别再到处漂泊。但是她们也没有跟任何人商量就直接放了火,真的古罗马人对的女人有一种偏见。这一年我也读了很多古罗马人写的东西,女人在他们的笔下就是非常感性而且脆弱。
