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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第7章 库迈神庙

第7章 库迈神庙



In oppidō Cūmas Sibylla nōmine Dēiphoba habitābat in templō ubi erat deī Apollinis magna aedēs. Apollō, quod puellam Deīphobam ōlim amābat, Sibyllae prō amōre dederat dōnum immortālitātem. Deus autem immemor quod amōre ardēbat et Aurōrae exemplum memoriā nōn tēnebat secundum dōnum Dēiphobae nōn dēdit; Sibylla nōn mānsit semper iuvenis. Itaque nunc erat parula vetula, per multōs enim annōs vīta et anima miserae veterī iam permānsit.

Apollinis aedēs ā nōtō Daedalō aedificāta erat. A Mīnōe Crētae rēge Labyrithō cum Icarō fīlilō retentus erat, unde tamen fugam parāverat; per caelum modo fuga patēbat, itaque pennās cērā miscuit et sīc alās fugae idōneās parāvit. Ubi parātī erant volāvērunt et pater et fīlius; sīc ā Labyrinthō et ferō inimīcōque dominō līberātī sunt. Sed ut Icarus patris cōnsilī immemor prope sōlem altē volāvit cēra tabuit et mors in mediō marīīnfēlīcem puerum mox occupavit. Pater ut fīlium nōn iam vidēbat diū prope mortis locum manēbat “Icare!” que clāmābat, tum tristes ad Siciliam, deinde ad oppīdum Cūmās volāvit, ubi in summā arce novam aedem decore mīram Apollinī aedificāvit fābulam dē foedō mōnstro Mīnōtaurō, virō ingentī cum taurī capite. Mīnōtaurus in Labyrinthō habītābat, ubi Mīnōis īmperiō līberōs Atticos et puerōs et puellās dēvorābat. Sed Thēsus vir Atticus iūtus est ab Ariadnā Mīnōis fīliā pulchrā, ac sīc Mīnōtaurum obtruncāvit et iuvenēs servāvit.

Reliquam fābulum et de fugā per caēlum Daedalus caelāvit, sed ut Icarī figuarum caelābat pater curā dolōreque occupātus est itaque cessāvit.

Nunc Aenēās cum fīdō amīcō Achāte ad Sibyllam in templum celeriter ambulābat.


In the town Cumae, a Sybil, by the name of Deiphobe, was living in a secret area, where there was a shrine of god Apollo. Apollo, because he once loved a girl, Deiphobe, had given a gift of immortality to the Sybil on behalf of her love. However the god, forgetful because he did not hold the example of Aurora in memory, did not give the second gift to Deiphobe; the Sybil did not always stay young. Therefore, now she was a way little old lady, for many years the life and soul of the wretched, old woman remained.

The house of Apollo was built by the famous Daedalus. He was restrained in the Labyrinthus with his son, Icarus, by Minos, the king of Crete, however he had prepared escape; the only escape was accessible through the sky, therefore he mixed up feathers by wax and thus prepared wings suitable for flight. When they had been prepared both the father and the son flew; thus they were freed from the Labyrinth and their fierce and unfriendly master. As Icarus flew high, near the sun, forgetful of the plan of his father, the wax melted and death soon seized the unfortunate boy in the middle of the sea. The father no longer seeing his son now, for a long time he was reminding near the place of the death, and kept shouting “Icarus!”, the sad man flew to Sicily, then to the town Cumae, where he built a new shrine, wonderful by the decoration for Apollo, on the top of the highest citadel for he was showing gratitude to the god of salvation, the savior. He carved the story about the horrible monster, the Minotaur, a huge man with the head of a bull, on the gate of the shrine. The Minotaur was living in the Labyrinth, where by the commands of Minos, he was devouring Athean children, both boys and girls. But Theseus, an Athean man, was helped by Ariadne, the beautiful daughter of Minos, and so he slaughtered the Minotaur and saved the youth.

He carved the rest of the story even about the escape of Daedalus, but as he was carving the figure of Icarus, the father was seized by care and grief, therefore he stopped.

Now Aeneas walked quickly into the temple with his faithful friend Achates, to see the Sybil.






作者有话要说:“a way little old lady”—翻译成了小老太太,不过原本的意思是那位女士老了,但是只老了一点,还是年轻的

Achates— 埃涅阿斯忠实的朋友,不过这也是一个英文单词,意思是“忠实的朋友”



1. 国王

2. 各个贵族/议员


3. 普通的罗马人/商人(外国商人)

4. 奴隶

