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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第12章 郝拉克勒斯与卡库斯

第12章 郝拉克勒斯与卡库斯



Latīnus per Aenēae lēgātōs rēgī Trōiānō pācem cum Laurentiīs mātrimōniumque Lāvīniae fīliae amīcē praebuit, atque Trōiānīs singula dōna addidit centum equōs, Aenēae autem dōnum duplex, duōs ēquōs acrīs, ambōs prōlem Sōlis equōrum. Equōs mīrōs magnā pecūniā ā Circā Sōlis fīliā ēmerat.

At Iūno, semper Aenēae Trōiānīsque inimīca, saevā īrā commōta est et Furiam ad Amātam mīsit Latīnī uxōrum mātremque Lāvīniae, ubi anguem in rēgīnae pectore posuit, deinde ad Turnum Rutulōrum ducem, ubi flammās in animum immīsit; dēnique in Trōiānōs āvolat. Itaque Ascanius cervum mansuētum interfēcit cārum Silviae fīliae pastōris prīmī Latīnī rēgis. Silviae frātrēs cum Ascaniī sociīs pugnāvērunt, unde bellum inter Trōiānōs Latīnōsque inceptum est.

Bellī sociōs igitur Aenēās petēbat et ad palātium montem (posteā ūnam ex septem montibus urbis Rōmaelambulāvit, ubi Evandrum rēgnem invēnit. Evander auxilium prōmīsit, tum Aenēam ad āram magnum Herculī sacram Tiberī amnī propinquam dūxit ibique ūnum dē Herculis duodecim labōribus rēx rēgī praecēpit:

“Memoriam beneficiōrum semper servāmus, ut vidēbis, itaque āram posuimus magnā cum grātiā Herculis auxilī, multīs enim perīculīs ab Iovis fīliō exemptī sumus. Hīc in spēluncā habitābat Cācus mōnstrum ingēns sēmihomō, fīlius Vulcānī deī. Herculēs veniēbat ab Gēryonis īnsulā unde sexāgintā et trēcentās bōvēs agēbat, et ut ad locum nostrum accessit prope amnem somnō superātus est. Herculī ut dormiēbat Cācus nōnāgintā ex bōbus dēmpsit caudisque in spēluncam trāxit ibique condidit. Sīc vestīgia omnia nōn intrō sed ex spēluncā tendēbant. Herculēs ut nōnāgintā nōn repperuit damnumque mente nōn comprehendit cum reliquīs bōbus dūbius in animō discēdebat, ubi bōvēs in spēluncā mūgīverunt itaque Cācum prōdidērunt. Herculēs post magnam pugnam īngentem montem in Cācum iniēcit et sīc mōnstrum cōnfēcit.”

Et fābulā et amīcitiā Evandrī Trōiānī iūtī sunt.


Latinus through the messengers of Aeneas offered to the Trojan king peace with Laurentum and marriage of his daughter Lavania in a friendly way, to the Trojans he gave each individual one horse, a total of 100 horses, however to Aeneas he gave double the gift, two fierce horses, both are offsprings of the hroses of the Sun. He bought the amazing horses with big money from Circe, daughter of the Sun.

But Juno, always hostile to Aeneas and the Trojans, was moved by savage anger, and she sent a Fury to Amata, wife of Latinus and mother of Lavania, where she sent a snake into the heart of the queen, then to Turnus, the leader of the Rutuli, she sent flammes to his soul; finally she flew to the Trojans. Therefore Ascanius killed a stag dear to Silvia, daughter of the first shepard of King Latinus. The brothers of Silvia fought against the companions of Ascanius, a war started between the Trojans and the Latins.

Therefore Aeneas was seeking for allies of war and walked to Palatine Hill (afterward one of the seven hills of the city of Rome), where he found King Evander. Evander promised help, then he led Aeneas to the big altar sacred to Hercules near the Tiber River, and here the king told Aeneas one of the twelve labors of Hercules:

“We always keep the memory of kindness, as you will see, therefore we put an altar with great gratitude for the help of Hercules, for we are saved from many dangers by the son of Jupiter. Caucus was living in this cave, he is a huge half-human monster, son of the God Vulcan. Hercules was coming from the island of Geryon, from where he was driving 360 cows, and as he went to our place, he was overcomed by sleep near the river. As he was sleeping, Caucus took away 90 cows from Hercules and he drugged them by their tails into the cave and hid them there. So all of the foot prints were stretched not into but out of the cave. Hercules, as he did not find 90 cows and he did not understand the loss by mind, he left with the rest of the cows with a doubt in mind. When the cows mooed in the cave, therefore they betrayed Cacus. Hercules, after a big fight, threw a big hill onto Cacus and finished the monster.”

And the Trojans were helped by the story and friendship of Evander.



但一向对埃涅阿斯和特洛伊人怀有敌意的朱诺被野蛮的愤怒所动摇,她向拉丁努斯的妻子,拉瓦尼亚的母亲阿玛塔派出了复仇女神,她把一条蛇送进了王后的心脏。然后她向图尔努斯, 鲁图利的领袖,的灵魂发出火焰;最后她飞到了特洛伊人那里。因此阿斯卡尼乌斯杀死了拉丁努斯国王的第一位牧羊人的女儿西尔维娅所喜爱的一头雄鹿。西尔维亚的兄弟与阿斯卡尼乌斯的同伴打了起来,因此特洛伊人和拉丁人之间爆发了战争。


“正如你所看到的,我们始终保留着善意的记忆,因此我们非常感谢赫拉克勒斯的帮助,因为朱庇特之子将我们从许多危险中拯救出来,所以我们设立了一个祭坛。卡库斯就住在这个山洞里,他是一个巨大的半人怪物,火神之子。赫拉克勒斯从革律翁岛赶来 360 头牛,当他来到我们这,他在河边睡着了。赫拉克勒斯正在睡觉时,卡库斯从赫拉克勒斯手中夺走了90头牛,并抓住它们的尾巴将它们带到到山洞里藏着。所以所有的脚印都不是朝着洞口,而是伸到洞外。赫拉克勒斯因为没有找到90头牛,他也无法用头脑理解它们是怎么丢失的,所以他带着怀疑的心情带着剩下的牛离开了。当牛在山洞里哞哞叫时,它们就背叛了卡库斯。赫拉克勒斯在一番激战后,将一座大山扔到了卡库斯身上,消灭了这个怪物。”


作者有话要说:《郝拉克勒斯与卡库斯》也是雕塑家巴奇奥?班迪涅利(Baccio Bandinelli)创作的一个雕塑。这个雕塑就在意大利佛罗伦萨领主广场的入口。



