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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第13章 新的盟友,新的战斗

第13章 新的盟友,新的战斗



Etrūscī in Asia ōlim habitāverunt, unde Italiam iter longum diffcileque fēcerant; eō tempore ubi Aenēās in Latium pervēnit eōrum rēx Mezentius ille erant. Is rēs autem ut vir summā crūdēlitāte saevitiāque erat ā gente Etrūscā ēiectus erat. Iuvenem Pallantem Evandrī fīlium Etrūscī rēgem post dēligēbant; hoc autem vātēs sacer prohibuit aperuitque fāta hīs verbīs: “Nēminī Italorum trāditōte tantum rēgnum.” Itaque Evander Aenēae praecēpit: “Ut iam rēx es Trōiānōrum, sīc dux Etrūsōrum estō; ad castra Etrūsca cum Pallante accēde; ibi ubi ducem novem petunt omnēs magnō cum gaudiō talem virum recipient.”

Trōiānus dubius erat, at subitō mīram signum ā Cytherēā mātre eī datum est; et fulmen vīsum est et Etrūscus tubae per caelum mūgīvit clangor. Dēnique in caelō aspexērunt omnēs arma clāra et formā mīra. Haec arma Venus Vulcānī uxor ā virō accēperat et mox fīliō trādidit. Clipeus praecipuē mīrābilis erat, nam in eō deus decora Rōmānōrum ā temporibus Rōmulī Remīque usque ad Augustī triumphum ēnarrāvit. Aenēās ergō sīc fēcit ut Evander monuerat: ad Etrūscōs accessit et hōs fēcit sociōs et amīcōs populī Trōiānī.

Interim Turnus cum Latīnīs castra Trōiānōrum oppugnābat et ut castrīs ā Trōiānīs prohibēbātur ad nāvīs cum igne accessit. Quod arborēs autem unde eae nāvēs factae erant in īdā monte Magnae Mātrī sacrō steterant dea timōre commōta est et ad Iovem properāvit, ubi illud ab eō poposcit: “Dē flammīs, fīlī, meās arborēs servā!” et hic respondit: “Cōnfīrmāre, māter; servābuntur atque in Nymphās mūtābuntur.” Et statim, ut Turnus Latīnīque magnō timōre mīrāculum aspeciēbat, omnis nāvis Nympha maris facta est.

Hae Nymphae novae eō ubi Aenēās Pallāsque cum novīs sociīs ad Latium nāve Etrūscā nāvigābant accessērunt et dē castōrum perīculō illum monuērunt ac nāvīs impulērunt. Turnus interim clāmābat: “Sine nāvibus hostēs nunc fugae cōpiā carent!” et semel et iterum Latīnōs contrā Trōiāna castra dūxit.


The Etruscans had once lived in Asia, from where they had made a long and difficult journey into Italy; at the time when Aeneas arrived into Latin, their king was that man, Mentius. The king however, he was a man of the most highest cruelty and ferocity, he had been thrown out by the Etruscan clan. After the Etruscans were choosing young Pallas, son of Evander, as the king of Etrusia; however the sacred prophet forbiddened this and revealed the fates with these words: “You will hand over such a great kingdom to no one of the Italians.” Therefore Evander instructed Aeneas: “As you are already the king of the Trojans, so be the leader of the Etruscans; go to the Etruscan camp with Pallas; then, when they are seeking a new leader, they will all accept such a man with great joy.”

The Trojan was doubtful, but suddenly an amazing sign was given to him by his mother, Cythera, and lightening was seen and the noise of an Etruscan horn bellowed through the sky. Finally they saw in heaven shining weapons, all of amazing forms. Venus, wife of Vulcan, had recieved the weapons from her husband and soon handed it over to her son. The shield was especially amazing, for on it the god retold the feats of Romans from the time of Romulus Remus all the way to the trumphs of Augustus. Aeneas therefore did so as Evander had warned: he approached the Etruscans and made them allies and friends of the Trojan people.

Meanwhile Turnus was attacking the camp of the Trojans with Latinus and as he was held off from the camp by the Trojans, he approached the ships with fire. Because the trees, however, from which the ships had been made, had stood on Mount Ida, sacred to the Great Mother, the goddess was moved by fear and hurried to Jupiter where she demanded that: “Save my trees from the flamme, my son!” and he responded this: “Be strengthened, mother; they will be saved and changed into Nymphs.” And immediately, as Turnus and Latinus was watching the miracle with great fear, each ship was made into a sea Nymph.

These new Nymphs approached the place when Aeneas and Pallas was sailing with new allies to Latin by Etruscan ships, and they warned the guy of the dangers of camp and pushed the ships. Meanwhile Turnus was shouting: “Without the ships, the enemy now lacked an opportunity of escape!” and once again, he led the Latins against the Trojan camp.


伊特鲁里亚人曾经居住在亚洲,他们经过漫长而艰难的旅程到达意大利。当埃涅阿斯到达拉丁时,他们的国王就是那个人,孟提乌斯。然而国王却是一个极其残忍的人,他被伊特鲁里亚部落驱逐了。在伊特鲁里亚人选举伊万德之子年轻的帕拉斯为伊特鲁里亚国王之后,神圣的先知禁止这样做,并用这样的话揭示了命运:“你不会将如此伟大的王国交给任何一个意大利人。” 因此伊万德对埃涅阿斯说:“既然你已经是特洛伊人的国王,那么你就应该成为伊特鲁里亚人的领袖;与帕拉斯一起前往伊特鲁里亚营地;当他们寻找新的领导者时,他们都会非常高兴地接受这样的人。”

这个特洛伊人心存疑虑,但突然他的母亲, 塞西拉向他发出了一个信号,他看到了闪电,伊特鲁里亚号角的声音响彻天空。最后他们在天堂看到了闪闪发光的武器,形状各异。伏尔甘的妻子维纳斯从丈夫那里收到了武器,并很快将其交给了儿子。这面盾牌尤其令人惊叹,因为神在上面讲述了从罗慕路斯·雷穆斯时代一直至屋大维时代罗马人的丰功伟绩。因此埃涅阿斯按照伊万德的警告这样做了:他接近伊特鲁里亚人,使他们成为特洛伊人的盟友和朋友。

与此同时,图尔努斯与拉丁努斯一起攻击了特洛伊人的营地,当他被特洛伊人阻挡在营地之外时,他用火力接近了船只。然而由于造船所用的树木曾经矗立在伟大母亲的圣地, 艾达山上,女神被恐惧所动,急忙赶到朱庇特那里,向他要求:“拯救我的树木免受火焰的侵害,我的儿子!” 他回答说:“坚强起来,母亲;它们将被拯救并变成宁芙。” 就在图努斯和拉丁努斯满怀恐惧地观看这一奇迹时,每艘船立刻都变成了海中的宁芙。

当埃涅阿斯和帕拉斯与新盟友乘坐伊特鲁里亚的船只前往拉丁时,这些新的宁芙接近了他们,她们警告了营地的危险并推动船只。与此同时,图尔努斯大喊道:“没有了船只,敌人现在就没有了逃跑的机会!” 他再次率领拉丁人进攻特洛伊阵营。




Magna Mater-伟大母亲是“Cybele”西贝莱,大地之母也是神明的母亲,和盖亚类似,只不过她是多种文化混合产生的神明,不过她和其它两位的职责一样。准确来说是一个缝合怪,包括了盖亚、瑞亚和得墨忒尔。




