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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第14章 帕拉斯的腰带

第14章 帕拉斯的腰带



Tum cum Aenēās etiam in marī erat Turnus cum sociīs Latīnīs castra Trōiāna oppugnābat et ubi Trōiānī decoris cupīdine occupātīs sunt et portam castrōrum aperuērunt intrāvit; tum cum porta iterum clausa erat Turnus ūnus sine reliquīs sociīs inclūsus et paene captus est. Etsī magnā cum virtūte pugnābat, pār tamen tot hostibus nōn erat atque tandem postquam in Tiberim dēsiluit per amnem nāvit et ad sociōs et ad salūtem.

Aenēās Pallāsque ubi cum Etrūscīs pervēnērunt auxilium Trōiānīs dedērunt, et Latīnī cēdēbant et fūgērunt. Sed victōria dolōre mixta est, nam Pallās, postquam cum Lausō Mezentī fīliō pugnāvit, ā Turnō interfectus erat. Pallantī iuvenī fuerat cingulum aurem mīrā formā; hoc eius corporī cēpit Turnus et habēbat servābatque.

Deinde Mezentius (nam Etrūscus contrā Etrūscōs cēterōs tamen prō Turnō ille rēx pugnābat) ab Aenēā vulnerātus et paene cōnfectus est, sed Lausus patrem clipeō servāvit. At pius iuvenis postquam Mezentium ē proliōēdūxit ab Aenēā interfectus est; cārī fīlī corpus ad parentum portātum est. Vetus Mezentius simul atque hoc vīdit equō in prolium volāvit, ubi Aenēam petēbat. Mezentius cum Aenēā ubi eum repperit fortiter pugnāvit; ab hōc taneb cōnfectus est ille. Mors et patris et fīlī Aenēam trīstem fēcit, nam ille etsī malus erat fīlium sīc amāverat ut Aenēās Ascanium et hic erat pulcher et iuvenis et fortis tamquam Pallās fuerat.

Tandem Aenēās cum Turnō convēnit. Ubi rēgēs diū et ācriter pugnābant cecidit hic et ab illō victus est. Aenēās misericordiā paene mōtus est, at simul atque cingulum Pallantis aspēxit īrā occupātus est et Rutulum interfēcit.


Then when Aeneas was also in the sea, Turnus with Latin allies was attacking the Trojan camp and entered when the Trojans were seized by the desire for honor and opened the gate of the camp; then when the gate was closed again, Turnus alone, without remaining allies, was enclosed and almost captured. Even though he was fighting with great courage, however he was not equal to so many enemies and finally after he jumped into the Tiber, he swam through the river both to his allies and to safety.

Aeneas and Pallas, when they arrived with the Etruscans, give help to the Trojans and the Latins were retreating and fled. But victory was mixed with pain, for Pallas, after he fought with Lausus, the son of Mezentius, had been killed by Turnus. There had been a golden belt of amazing beauty for young Pallas; this Turnus took from his body and held on to, and guarded it.

Then Mezentius (for that Etruscan king however with fighting against other Etruscans for Turnus) was wounded by Aeneas and was almost finished, but Lausus saved his father with a shield. But then, after the loyal young man led Mezentius out from battle, he was killed by Aeneas; the body of the dear son was carried to his parent. As soon as old Mezentius saw this, he flew to battle by horse, where he was seeking to attack Aeneas. Mezentius bravely fought with Aeneas (when he found him); however that Etruscan was finished by this guy. Death both of the father and the son made Aeneas sad, for that guy, even though he was bad, had loved his son as Aeneas loved Ascanius, and this guy was handsome and young and brave just as Pallas had been.

After this second battle, also the Latins are defeated and almost conquered, their spirits were failing for them, and they made Trojan and Latin peace by these conditions: “Both leaders will fight; let the winner be called king of the two people.” But the goddess Juturna, sister of Turnus, feared death for her brother and shouted to the Rutulians: “Rutulians, shall Turnus alone fight for everyone? Unless you will have helped him, you will no longer be called a man!” So then when war had already begun between the leaders alone, the Rutulians broke the peace and they were fighting with the Trojans far and wide, but the Trokans defeated them.

Finally Aeneas came together with Turnus. When the kings were fighting for a long time and fiercely, this guy Turnus fell and was conquered by that guy Aeneas. Aeneas was almost moved by pity, but as soon as he caught sight of the belt of Pallas and was seized by anger and killed the Rutulian.





在第二次战斗之后,拉丁人也被击败并几乎被征服,他们的士气低落,他们以这样的条件与特洛伊人谈判:“双方领袖都会战斗; 让胜利者称王。” 但图尔努斯的妹妹朱图尔纳女神担心她的兄弟会死去,于是向鲁图利亚人喊道:“鲁图利亚人,图努斯要独自为所有人而战吗?如果你们不帮他,你们就不配被称为男人!” 因此当领袖之间的战争开始时,鲁图利亚人打破了和平,他们与特洛伊人进行了战斗,但特洛伊人击败了他们。






P.S 上一章忘说了,女人们的首饰很多也用珍珠来做装饰
