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笔趣阁 > 古罗马历史 > 第15章 安娜和阿尔巴隆加的国王

第15章 安娜和阿尔巴隆加的国王



Tum cum et Aenēās an urbe discesserat et Dīdō sē interfēcerat, Carthāgō et rēge et rēgīnā carēbat. Tribus post annīs invāsērunt Africānī rēgnum ita sine duce atque Iarbās rēx postquam rēgiam occupāvit in soliō sedit et sēcum “Nunc ego,” inquit “misera Dīdō istūc mē recēpī unde totiēns ā tēēiectus sum.” Ut Poenī hūc et illūc fugiēbant Anna Elissae soror partem cīvium convocāvit et cum hīc ūnā nāve ad Melitam īnsulam nāvigāvit, ubi rēx omnīs hospitiō accēpit. At tertio annō postquam Anna hūc pervēnit Pygmaliōn frāter cum multīs nāvibus ad īnsulam nāvigāvit ad Melitaeque rēdem accessit sorōremque bellō petīvīt. Rēx Annae “Nōs nōn summus” inquit “ad bellum cum tot hostibus parātī; tū ergō hinc fuge!” Iterum in marī fugam petīvīt Anna et tandem ad litora Latīna forte pervēnit.

Iam pius Aenēās rēgnō filiāque Latīnī auctus erat, populōsque miscuerat duōs. Hic ōlim cum in litore cum Achāte amīcō ambulābat Annam aspēxit sēcumque putāvit, “Cūr illa in agrum Latīnum vēnit?” et clamāvit Achātēs, “Anna est!” Anna magnō timōre commōta est et rūrsus fugam incipiēbat, at Aenēās “Manē tū;” inquit “hīc nōmine grāta tuō, grāta sorōris, eris, nam memorēs sumus tot beneficiōrum vestrōrum. Ad rēgiam tē dūcam, ubi nōbīscum habitābis.” Ibi Annam Lāvīniae commīsit tālibus verbīs: “Hanc tibi, cara uxor, trādō pietātis grātiā, haec enim mē auxiliō iuvābat ubi inopiā omnium labōrābam.”

Lāvīnia omnia promīsit sed sēcum putābat, “Mē ergō nōn amat vir meus sed hanc Poenam,” et īram in pectore concēpit. Inimīcitiam tamen dissimulāvit et annae amīca vīsa est. At nocte in somnīs umbra Dīdōnis ad sorōrem accessit et monuit, “Hinc fuge tū, locum fuge hunc tristem; rēgīna tibi mortem parat.” Misera discessit ex rēgiā Anna et per agrōs errābat. Dēnique forte in Numīcium amnem cecidit et aquīs rapta est. Aenēās ubi cum suīs miseram petēbat animam Annae aspexit et tālia ex eā audīvit: “A Numīciō deō in deam mūtātā cum. Ego Nympha huius amnis facta sum; vōs mihi sacra mūnera datōte; sīc semper fēlīcēs eritis.” Post Rōmānī Annam in numerō deum suōrum habuērunt.

Post Bellum Latīnum Aenēās cum populō suō ex oppidō Laurentō migrāvit et urbem condidit quam ab uxōris nōmine Lāvīnīum vocāvit. Tribus post annīs Aenēās ad caelum portātus et deus facta est. Ut Ascanius Iūlusive fīlius Aenēae tum puer erat cum patrem āmīsit Lāvīnia noverca cīvīs diū prō illō rēgēbat. Post duōs et vīgintī annōs autem ille vīsus est omnibus vir magnā virtūte et tālī animō quālis fortī parentī fuerat, et tam dīgnus laude; itaque, ut ager Lāvīnius prō hominum multitūdube satus nōn iam erat et cōpia frūmentī dēficiēbat, cīvium partem ad montem eī locō in quō Rōma hodiē stat propinquum dēdūxit et ibi novem oppidum, Albam Longam nōmine, condidit. Pius iuvenis tot cīvīs quot sēcum ēdūxerat relīquit Lāvīniīs multōs annōs lēgēs dabat. Alba Longa nōn modo multitūdine hominum sed etiam magnitūdine agrī tanta mox erat quantum Lāvīnum. Pācem multōs annōs haec duo oppida inter sē servāvērunt.

In silvā forte Iūlī uxor fīlium virō genuit, unde illī nōmen Silviō datum est, quod nōmen per saecula mānsit et omnibus quoque rēgibus quī altōā sanguine auctōris gentis, fīlī Veneris, vēnērunt trāditum est. Multīs post annīs nōmen vocāta est; sīc Iūlius Caesar ille Venerem deam vocābat genetrīcem suam.

Tredecim post saeculīs hominum Numitor Silvius Albam Longam rēgēbat. Quam postquam frāter, Amūlius nomīne, quī imperī cupīdine mōtus erat, ē rēgnō vīēiēcit, hic, homōācris saevitiae, rēx in frātris locō factus est. Addidit scelerī scelus; nōn modo frātris fīliīs caede vītam dēmpsit, sed etiam sorōrem eōrum, Rhēam Silviam vel īliam nōmine, Vestālem dēlēgit, sēcum enim “Sic” inquit “quōmodo erunt aut fīliī virginī aut frātrī nepōtēs? Imperium semper meum et meōrum erit.” At hoc cōnsilium foedum Fāta mīrīs modīs vetābant; nam Mars, nūmen frūmentī et amōrum, Rhēae Silviae amōre captus est et haec fīliōs geminōs deō genuit. Rhēa quoniam Vestāllis erat capitis condemnāta est, atque prolēs duplex in aquās Tīberis amnis iniecta est.


Then, when both Aeneas had left from the city and Dido had killed herself, Carthage was lacking both a king and a queen. Later by 3 year, the Africans had invaded them, thus without a leader and King Iarbas, after he seized the palace, he sat on the throne and says with himself, “Now I, wretched Dido, have taken myself to the place that I was so often thrown out by you.” As the Phoenicians was fleeing hither and thither, Anna, sister of Elissa, called together some citizens and with them sailed one ship to Melita Island, where the king accepted all of them with hospitality. But 3 years after Anna came here, her brother Pygmalion sailed with many ships to the island and approached the king of Melita and sought his sister for war. The king said to Anna, “We have not been prepared for war with so many enemies; therefore you flee from here!” Again Anna sought for escape on the sea and finally she arrived by chance at the Latin shore.

Dutiful Aeneas had already increased his power by the kingdom and the daughter of Latin, he had mixed the two people. THis guy, once when he was walking with a friend, Achates, on the shore, he caught sight of Anna and he though with himself, “Why did that woman come into the Latin territory?” and Achates shouted, “It is Anna!” Anna was moved by great fear and she was starting a fleet again, but Aeneas said, “Wait you; here you will be pleasing for your name, pleasing for the name of your sister, for we are mindful of so many of your favors. I will lead you to the palace, where you will live with us.” Then he entrusted Anna to Lavania with such words: “I hand over this woman to you, dear wife, for the sakeness of loyalty, for this woman helped me when I was suffering from a lack of everything.”

Lavania promised everything but she was thinking to herself, “Therefore my husband doesn’t love me, but he loves this Phonician woman,” and she conceived rage in her heart. However, she pretended not to have enmity and she was seen as a friend of Anna. But at night in fram the ghost of Dido approached the sister and warned her, “Flee from here, flee from this sad place; the queen prepared your death.” Wretched Anna left the palace and she was wandering through the fields. Finally, by chance she fell into the Numician River and she was snatched by the waters. Aeneas, when he was seeking the wretched woman with his guys, he caught sight of the spirit of Anna and heard such things from her: “I was changed into a goddess by the god, Numicius. I have become a Nymph of this river; you all give me sacred gifts; so you will be fortunate.” Afterward, the Romans held Anna in the number of their gods.

After the Latin War, Aeneas migrated with his people from the town, Laurentum and founded a city, which he called Lavanium, from the name of his wife. Later by 3 years, Aeneas was carried to heaven and he was made a god. As Ascanius or Julius, son of Aeneas, then was a boy, when he lost his father, his stepmother, Lavania, was rulingt he citizens for a long time on behalf of him. After two and twenty years, however, that guy seemed to everyone a man of great courage and of such characteristics he had been for his parent, and as worthy of praise; therefore, since the Lavanium territory was no longer sufficient for a multitude of people and was lacking a supply of grains, he led part of the citizens to a mountain near the place where Rome stands today, and there he founded a new town by the name of Alba Longa. The loyal young man left as many citizens as he led with him to Lavania. His dear stepmother, thus she was made queen and for many years she was giving laws to the Lavanian citizens. Alba Longa was as great as Lavanium not only in the multitude of people but also in the magnitude of territory. These two towns guarded peace for many years.

By chance in the forest the wife of Julius beared a son for her husband, from which the name Silvius was given to that guy, that name which stayed through generations and was handed down to all the kings who had come from the high blood line of the ancestor of the clan, son of Venus. Later by many years, the name of the clan Silvius was changed, which from the time the name was called Julius from the famous Julius; so that guy, Julius Caesar was calling the goddess Venus as his ancesstress.

Later by 13 generations, the man, Numitor Siliviae, was ruling Alba Longa. After his brother, by the name of Amulius, who had been moved by desire for power, was thrown out from the kingdom by force, this guy-man of ferocious savagery, was made king in place of his brother. He added crime to crime; not only did he take the life of the sons of his brother by murder, but he also choose their sister, by the name of Rhea Siliviae or Ilia as a vestal, for he asked himself, “So how will there be sons for the maiden or grandsons of his brother? Power will always be mine and my children.” But the Fates had forbidden this horrible plan in an amazing way; then Mars, god of grain and armor, was seized by the love of Rhea Siliviae and she beared these twin children god. Rhae, because she was a vestal, she had been condemned by head, and the two children were thrown into the waters of the Tiber River.


然后当埃涅阿斯离开这座城市,狄多自杀时,迦太基既缺少国王又缺少王后。三年后,非洲人入侵了他们,因此他们失去了领袖。国王伊阿尔巴斯,在他占领了宫殿后,坐在王位上自言自语地说:“现在,我,可怜的狄多,已经占领了经常被你赶出去的地方。” 当腓尼基人四处逃亡时,艾丽莎的妹妹,安娜召集了一些公民,并与他们一起驾驶一艘船前往姆列特岛,在那里国王热情地接待了他们所有人。但安娜来到这里三年后,她的兄弟皮格马利翁带着许多船只航行到该岛,他们来到姆列特国王这并为寻求他的妹妹而发动战争。国王对安娜说:“我们还没有做好与这么多敌人作战的准备;所以你要逃离这里!”安娜再次在海上寻求逃亡,最后偶然来到了拉丁海岸。

尽职尽责的埃涅阿斯已经通过王国和拉丁人的女儿增强了他的权力,他将两个种族的人混在一起。这个家伙,有一次和朋友阿喀特斯在岸边散步时,看到了安娜,他心里在想:“那个女人为什么要到拉丁领土来?”阿喀特斯喊道:“是安娜!” 安娜被恐惧所动,她又要逃跑了,但埃涅阿斯说:“等等,在这里,你会为你的名字感到高兴,为你妹妹的名字感到高兴,因为我们铭记着你的许多恩惠。我带你去王宫,你就和我们一起住在那里。” 然后他将安娜托付给了拉瓦尼娅,说道:“出于忠诚,我把这个女人交给了你,亲爱的妻子,因为这个女人在我一无所有的时候帮助了我。”

拉瓦尼娅答应了一切,但她心里却在想:“所以我的丈夫不爱我,但他爱这个腓尼基女人。” 她心中生出愤怒,然而她却假装没有敌意,被视为安娜的朋友。但到了晚上,狄多的鬼魂走近姐姐并警告她:“逃离这里,逃离这个悲伤的地方;逃离这里!女王已经准备好了你的死亡。” 可怜的安娜离开了宫殿,在田野里流浪。最后她偶然掉进了努米库斯河,被河水卷走了。埃涅阿斯和他的手下在寻找那个可怜的女人时,看到了安娜的灵魂,并从她那里听到了这样的话:“我被神明努米库斯变成了女神。我已成为这条河的精灵;你们都给了我神圣的礼物;所以你会很幸运。” 后来,罗马人将安娜列入了他们的神明。



13 代人后,努米托尔·西尔维乌斯统治了阿尔巴·隆加。在他的兄弟阿穆利乌斯因权力欲望驱使而被武力驱逐出王国后,这个凶残野蛮的家伙取代了他的兄弟成为了国王。他的罪恶一桩又一桩;他不仅谋杀了他兄弟的儿子们,还选择了他们的妹妹,名叫瑞亚·西尔维乌斯或伊利亚作为修女,因为他问自己:“那么少女现在怎么会有儿子呢?或者阿穆里乌斯怎么会有孙子呢?权力永远属于我和我的孩子们。” 但命运之神却以惊人的方式禁止了这个可怕的计划。随后谷物与盔甲之神玛尔斯被瑞亚·西尔维乌斯的爱所占据,她生下了神明的双胞胎孩子。瑞亚因为是修女,被砍去了头颅,两个孩子也被扔进了台伯河的水中。

