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笔趣阁 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第4章 Chapter 4: Live a Happy Life

第4章 Chapter 4: Live a Happy Life


I am still grateful to God for allowing me to live such a colorful life without any hatred or resentment in my heart. Even though I have tasted all the coldness and harshness of the world along the way, I learned things that ordinary people haven’t learned and have got the abilities that ordinary people haven’t got during those unbearable, time-beaten, and scarred years, which helped to keep me free for the rest of my life.


I also trick apart from doing business now, and I deceive those rich playboys into digging out all their money, dispersing their family wealth, and paving the way for me. How many people will give lots of money to make a beautiful woman smile? I’m just this beauty, winning lots of money, which is no longer worthwhile.


Though I’m not short on money now, I like to do things that challenge human nature and desire, watching the greedy become bankrupt and have nowhere to go due to their desires.


You will discover that you can get many things done just with tricks if you stay in this industry for a long time.


Some people may think that I am a terrible woman. Let them talk about it. If I deceive one more greedy and selfish man, one less good woman will suffer. Therefore, I don't think I have any guilt.


My wealth accumulated more and more over time. Besides, my life is full of glory and wealth, and I have a good life that others dream of, but I am not happy. That feeling of emptiness is getting deeper and deeper.



I am a heartless person. If a person is heartless, will he not be empty? I laughed at myself.


I was on a boat when I first met him. That day, we sisters accompanied our guests to tour the lake; Crimson gates reek with meat and ale while on the streets and bones of the frozen dead.

The world is so unfair. Some people pay millions of dollars to make a beautiful women smile, while others are starving and on the brink of freezing to death.



Girls who stay in the prostitute house have no better way out. They are the same as me, who could remain only in this dirty industry, but what about those men? Which one is not here for fun? Which one is not here for enjoyment? They all come here flirting with beautiful women.


Women in the prostitute house? are pitiful, but men who come to? the prostitute? house? are hateful and shameless.


That's why I never had any sympathy for people who thought they loved me deeply and spent all their money on my behalf and ended up badly because they didn't deserve any sympathy.

