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笔趣阁 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第16章 Chapter 16: Second Meet

第16章 Chapter 16: Second Meet


What a joy to have a relaxing day.


It was challenging to find this place, so I was not afraid of being disturbed by others.


Who would have thought over a small entrance? No, this is just a tiny hole. Through this tiny hole, we can find this wonderful place.


Besides, I have covered the entrance to the cave ever since I discovered this place, so it’s unlikely that anyone else could ever find it here.


This is my secret garden and paradise; I love it here more than anywhere else.


The quietness without being disturbed by the outside world is the most incredible warmth and happiness in the world. If a person has been in the busy market for a long time, he will naturally want to live a quiet life.


And I have been living an extravagant fantastic life for so many years. This quiet place without being disturbed by the outside world makes me cherish it even more, so I will not tell anyone that there is such a place. This place belongs to me only.


I walk, jump, and run in this secret garden that belongs only to me when I am happy.


Sometimes I would stroll; sometimes, I would jump like a wild little girl; sometimes, I would run; sometimes, I would roll in the weeds; and sometimes, I would lie in the withered grass and look up at the blue sky and clouds when I was tired.


Although the withered grass turns yellow in winter, there are no snakes or insects, so that I can enjoy myself here until my heart’s content without any fear.


I come here a lot. I come here to take a walk, get some fresh air, use some cold wind to clear my mind, and think quietly when I'm in a bad mood.


Like today, I will laugh, run, jump, and sing softly when I am happy.


I like singing and dancing, and I dance with my heart. I think a good dancer can express one’s emotions by dancing. Music is even more so.


Dance and music are exquisite skills to cultivate the mind and indulge in ourselves. They can let people find their nature, vent their anger and express other feelings.


This place not only gives me peace and freedom but also courage, determination, and wisdom.

